So when is the best time to upload your YouTube videos?

to your channel to maximize your views and results?

Here's how to find out.

Where we help you amplify your business

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So lets jump into it.

So uploading your videos to your YouTube channel

at the right time for your subscribers

can result in a lot more upfront views.

And send all the right indicators to YouTube,

that you're video is something they should be sharing.

So in this video I'm going to show you

how you can figure out the best day and time

to upload videos to your YouTube channel

in just a few minutes.

Plus if you're also wondering

how often you should upload videos.

I'll also share my thoughts on how many videos

you should be uploading per week to maximize results.

And once we're done

to help you take those results even further.

I'll share with you a link

to where you can grab our free guide,

detailing the three most powerful tools

and ranking strategies to 10x your traffic on YouTube.

All right, so what we're trying to figure out here

is the most ideal time for you to upload your video.

Where you'll most likely

going to get the largest number of subscribers

or viewers watching your new video as fast as possible.

So first things first,

you need to pay attention

to where your subscribers are located.

Where in the world do they live?

When they're most active on YouTube

and when they're most likely to watch the content

that you're uploading.

And this can change even depending on the topics

that you're covering or the content that you're creating

on your channel.

Now obviously here,

the longer you've had your channel running the more data,

the more analytics you're going to have access to.

So the more accurate this is going to be.

But there are also a few pointers here

that you can get very close to that best upload time,

even now if you're just starting out on a new channel.

So if you already have your channel

set up with videos on it,

then you want to head over to your YouTube analytics.

Make sure you're on the Overview tab

and then look down at the Realtime activity section.

And this is showing you the activity

or the amount of views that you're getting on your channel

progressively for the previous 48 hours.

So what you want to do is to monitor this graph

for around a week.

And keep coming back and keep checking it

throughout the week.

And what you're looking for are those peak viewing times.

So the days and the times

that you are getting the most amount of views.

And then it really is as simple as uploading your videos

a few hours before those times.

So that your content is up there

and it's ready to go before those viewers come online.

So that way when they wake up

or when they usually come online and go to YouTube,

your content is there ready for them to view.

So for us at Primal Video,

our audience is heavily U.S. based.

So we usually upload our videos

at around 8 p.m. my time here in Australia,

on a Sunday night.

Which works out around 6 a.m. Eastern Time in America,

on a Saturday morning.

So this mean that our videos are up there ready

and waiting for our peak viewing time,

which happens to be Saturday morning

between 9 a.m. and noon.

Now there are some paid tools out there

as well to get more insight into the different times

that they're going to work best for your channel.

VIDIQ is a great YouTube management tool

and in there as part of their feature set,

they actually have a section dedicated

to help you find the best time for upload for you.

You will need to be on one of their paid plans to access it.

But all you need to do is login, head to their dashboard

and scroll down until you see the box

that says Best Time to Post.

Now if you're someone with a brand new channel

or a channel with not many videos up there yet,

then you can use your best guess as to where you think

your viewers are watching from.

So, which country are they in?

And from there you can work out the different times

that they would likely be watching or viewing your videos,

and start with that.

Obviously, you want to go a little bit earlier

so that your video is up there and ready to go

when those people are coming online.

But that would be the best place to start for you.

And obviously the more your channel grows,

the more videos you put out there,

the more data you'll have on this stuff

so you'll be able to make a better decision.

And tweak and adjust your upload times

and upload schedule accordingly.

Okay, so that's when you should be uploading.

But what about how often should you be creating videos

and uploading videos to your channel?

Now this is something that we hear a lot of people

out there give you mixed feedback and mixed answers on.

Some people say that in order to be successful on YouTube

you need to be going daily and creating daily content.

Others say you need to be uploading three times a week.

I am a professional video person,

I couldn't imagine creating that amount of content

to be consistent for daily or even three times a week.

For us, we upload just one video per week

consistently without fail.

And have done so for the last five years.

We have experimented uploading two videos per week

for a period there but the results were linear.

Meaning that for us we would much rather

focus on one highly optimized, targeted video.

A video where you're doing the research first

to make sure that you're creating something

that your audience actually wants.

Not the videos you think that they want.

Big distinction between the two.

So that is my recommendation.

If you can commit to one video per week,

where you have done some research before hand.

Knowing that there is an audience that is looking for

and searching for the content you're creating.

That is going to be far more valuable

over three videos a week

or going daily for creating content,

because you risk burning out.

You risk losing that spark and enjoying the process,

but also that you're just wasting your time

because you're creating stuff that maybe no one will see.

So if you're serious about growing on YouTube

and doing it smart,

then I've got a link on screen now

and below in the description.

Where we'll teach you the three most powerful tools

and ranking strategies to help you 10x

your traffic on YouTube.

So make sure you grab your free guide now.

I'll see you in the next one.


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